Thursday, 21 July 2016

Rapid Automatic Naming (RAN)

Rapid Automatic Naming (RAN) is the ability to rapidly name a sequence of random objects, letters, shapes, numerals, or words. 

Rapid Automatic Naming (RAN) has been proven to be an effective and enjoyable activity to do with young children. When doing RAN assessments, color splotches, familiar objects in the child’s environment, basic shapes, numbers, and letters are generally used.

Use of RAN and RAS activities can help teachers identify retrieval challenges that may interfere in students’ process of reading. Such activities involve connecting visual, verbal, attentional, and cognitive processes. Letter names are not accessed in the same location in the brain as colors, or shapes RAS (rapid automatic switching) shows how well students can make the switch from colors or shapes to letters, and back again. RAN and RAS are predictive of reading and writing performance, particularly reading fluency.

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