Tuesday 26 July 2016

How it will be use in our Belizean class?

RAN and RAS can be used in our class in reading comprehension and fluency reading. This heps us teacher to keep track the level of our students in reading. This system helps us to find out which students suffer language disorders. 

Language disorder in children refers to problems with either: Getting their meaning or message across to others (expressive language disorder), or Understanding the message coming from others (receptive language disorder) Some children only have an expressive language disorder. Others have a mixed receptive-expressive language disorder. This means they have symptoms of both conditions. Children with language disorders are able to produce sounds and their speech can be understood. 

In Belize we need to take in consideration this issues that we have. Maybe some teachers do not know what to do with this children that need to improve their language. That it is for, that RAN and RAS help us as teachers to help the children to develop their ability in communicate, reading, writing and expressing their ideas. 

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